Tuesday, April 21, 2009


In this unit, I was given the techniques necessary in order to help me match color and brightness levels, as well as texture, and there were many steps involved in transforming the images. As I was following along with the instructional video, I would notice that certain things didn't look right in my image, and would change them, only to find that these would have been steps addressed later on in the video. It was a good feeling to know that I could find and fix inconsistencies in the photo before I was even instructed to do so. I didn't expect some of the tools available in Photoshop to be so effective. Some were able to do amazing things which are still beyond my understanding. I think that this particular lesson is an excellent one, with lots of excellent information, and an amazing, yet not too difficult to attain final product.

1 comment:

  1. i agree -- some of the Photoshop tools are pretty genius.

    that's a great sign that you're noticing improvements that can be made before the tutorial addresses them. that means you have a detailed eye and high standard for yourself, which is are great characteristics in a graphic artist.

    this image is both terrifying and awesome.
